‘Life events’ are valued by data brokers who gather data about
us from multiple sources and sell it to marketers.”

My digital identity would be a student that lives in a cold area.  Amazon would recommend to me a brand new coat as well as various Foulcault books about crime or race.  Dataism is becom­ing ‘a belief in a new gold stan­dard of knowl­edge about human behav­ior’, van Dijck writes, and argues that it is cru­cial to be aware of the dif­fer­ent reasons for and con­texts within which data is gath­ered.” This portrait would be a form of dataism as the internet is pulling my previous searches as knowledge of who I am to advertise to similar items I might want to consume.  This would be based on the links I click onto from social media of the most common google searches of food recipes sociology terms that search engines now guess I will google.  Data I provide on the web could even be consider instagram photos which may not be used as advertisement knowledge but instead what I am advertising myself as in today’s society.  This would not be a situation in which I would assume data is gathered about me but it is to some extent from what I am wearing in photos or so forth.