
Wicklow Mountains, Ireland Date Rainfall Miles Walked Calorie Intake Calories Burned in 90 minutes of walking/hiking Wind Chill
53.0811° N, 6.3900° W July 16, 2015 2400 mm 4.58 1350 1086 43 degrees Fahrenheit


Above is quantitative data for a time when I went on an accidental hike in Ireland.  It had been pouring rain on us through our whole boat ride to the location of the horse drawn buggies that would be taking us back to our bus.  As I stepped of the boat it had felt like the blood in my arms and legs had frozen and all of my clothes were drenched with cold rain water.  Me and three others were the last to the carriages, therefore ending up with the oldest horse and the oldest driver.  The wrinkles on his face were genuine from smiling as he taught us a few Gaelic words that his horse responded to. Barley ten minutes into our rise he politely asked us to get out and walk as our weight was too much for the horse to carry up the steep Wicklow Mountains. We skipped in the rain to try and warm up as we were still soaking, shivering, and taking selfies along our journey.

The quantitative aspect of this story would never be able to describe the painful cold yet shocking joy that we found wandering the hills of Ireland one overcast, dreary summer day.