I wrote the story of “Summer ‘Staph’” as somewhat of a memory or a story within a story.  The intention was to not tell an exact sequence of events in order to add motion and also to more effectively make the transition between story and the lesson portrayed at the end of the importance of friendship. I didn’t explicitly state the lesson because I thought that the ending wrapped up the story while touching on the importance of opening up and caring for strangers because you may not know their story.   My intended audience was broad but could be narrowed to those in younglife who have done summer staff, those whom have had an infection or have heard of staphylococcus, or anyone that has been to a summer camp.  My goal with the opening chunk of my video about road trips and the clip of kids tubing at camp was to be an attention grabber and capture the audience those who have had a similar experience.  I kept the background quiet for the main duration of the video so that nothing would distract from the story as the sequence isn’t quite easy to follow at some points.  My language was in turn no difficult to comprehend and I spoke slowly with adjectives so that the narrative would be in depth yet allow for parts of the story to be left more vague.  The only music that wasn’t either at the beginning or the end was to add emphasis on the importance and severity of the staph infection as the main event for the protagonist.  The music at the beginning and end is the same song to bookend the video with a song that was popular during summer of 2014 and the lyrics are about meeting people with an upbeat background.  Most of the images i chose were real life pictures from that summer.  The audience may not realize that but the people in the story are shown throughout which was intentional to allow the audience to connect with the main players in the story.  Some other pictures with places like the empty hospital bed or the pesky mosquito were to put the audience in a setting or relate to the feeling of having a terribly itchy bite.  The empty hospital bed had a more lonely and severe context than the humor that the cartoon mosquito created.   The genre that I intended is the same as what the final product was.  I would say it is somewhat of a drama with a bit of subtle humor.  My goal is that it is easy to relate to which is why it isn’t to incredibly specific as far as medical jargon for what a staphylococcus infection is and I used visuals instead.  I relied highly on the images because I felt that with my story it incites more use of senses and the audience can watch what is going on without having to rely on description.  My video is supposed to be on topic and straightforward to have an easy to decipher lesson and keep the audience engaged.